Jay Hennessy



Jay is currently pursuing a MEng in Biomedical Engineering at McGill University supervised by Dr. Jamie Near in the Near Lab. His current thesis research involves developing MRS methods and exploring the effects of neurochemicals on perceptual learning. Jay completed his BEng in Electrical Engineering at McGill University with a minor in Biomedical Engineering in 2014. His final year thesis project, supervised by Dr. Amir Shmuel, involved developing and constructing a laser speckle imaging system to optically measure cerebral blood flow as well as writing the software to analyse these images. Following graduation, he worked as a research assistant in the Near Lab for one year. During this time, he focused on developing and running a TMS-EEG and MRS experiment with the aim of elucidating the relationship between MRS levels of neurochemicals and cortical excitability/inhibition as measured by TMS-EEG.


In his free time, Jay enjoys playing hockey, volleyball, basketball and snowboarding. During the summer, he is a part-time white water rafting guide and outdoor enthusiast.